P.O.Box 251
Kingston, AR 72742
Phone & Fax (479) 665-2113
to AHC
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Denisa Malott has WON !!
The judge will take the misdemeanor charges
under advisement, everything will dropped effective November 10th 2011, which is one year from the date
the misdemeanor charges were filed.
More details will be added as they come in.
Our heartfelt thanks to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Inspectors
for checking on the horses without Coggins (who are usually starving, too).
They are our first line of immediate attention and can get owners to call
a vet to the premises faster than most humane societies. Also, in cases of
carcass disposal violations they are of great service. Call Richard Jackson,
Compliance Director, his phone number is 501 907 2400 or email rjackson@alpc.ar.gov.
He will get the proper inspector right on the problem.
Please remember to contribute to the Legal Defense Fund for Denisa Malott.
It's not over yet!
Bank of Izard County
Legal Defense Fund for Denisa Mailott
09 50 900 611
702 Sylamore Avenue
Mountain View, AR 72560
To our Arkansas Equine
The officers and directors of the
Arkansas Horse Council heartily encourage everyone to do their best
this year to ensure a successful transition to a new way of thinking
and doing. We will continue working to develop an equine
recycling program that can help people get new homes for unwanted
horses and the Black Stallion Literacy Program for the fourth and
first-graders of the state will grow again in the new year.

The Arkansas Equine Foundation
continues to assist in placing unwanted horses of all kinds and
encourages anyone who would like to "foster" an unwanted horse to
contact us at
http://arequinefoundation.org. We have many "pasture
ornaments" for adoption.
List your events
Arkansas Clubs
and Associations
State Horse
Councils List
Slaughter Resolution Draft

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