QSL Manager Service

QSL Manager's 

You can advertise on this site. Click here for info.

I am QSL manager for:
ex K5PAZ

KB5ILY is a member of the QSL Manager's Society and agrees fully with their creed of operation,
to further promote fair and uniform guidelines for quality QSL managers.
"Donations are never required, but ALWAYS appreciated".

If you are looking for a qsl card from one of my clients, here are my recomendations:

  1. Send an S.A.S.E. (self addressed, stamped envelope) with enough postage (IRC's are ok also) to return the qsl to you, or
  2. Provide SAE + Greenstamps for direct mail return.
  3. ALL QSLs received without appropriate means for a return are answered via the bureau.
  4. If you are not in the USA, then please do not put any call sign on any outside envelope, but, please put your callsign on the inside flap of your SASE.
  5. All cards must be properly completed (both calls, date & time in UTC, band or frequency, signal report, mode).
  6. Send your qsl request to:
    Travis W. Burton
    11 Cypress Road, #40
    Arkadelphia AR 71923-4223

  73 de KB5ILY

Win E Q F 
from www.eqf-software.com
is KB5ILY's log program of choice.

Last Edited 07:41z September 6, 2012


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This page created & maintained by
Travis W Burton, KB5ILY
© Copyright 1995-2012